Monday, June 24, 2013

Growing on a Purpose


1. The reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.
2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.

Well, Mrs. Ashley Maxwell, thank you for convincing me to give purpose to a blog of my own! Something I never thought these fingers of mine would ever do, and yet, here I am. In the dark. On my computer. Typing ... for fun ... ???

Before I continue, here's a little disclaimer ... This is not what (I think?) is a typical first blog post! Another disclaimer, I've only read like 2 blogs in my whole life! Wait ... Don't run away just yet! ... There is an upside! And that is: This first post serves as a purposeful introduction to any up and coming posts in the future! Okay, disclaimer over.  

I've been learning about the concept of purpose these past few weeks. The gravity of it in our daily lives, our short and long term goals. The word "purpose", itself, means great meaning. What greater question can we ask ourselves than, "What is my purpose?" Why, of all things, would this topic place itself at the forefront of my mind at this time in my life? Well, let me share a story!

Like most important thoughts, this one came without warning.  I was reading, and I started thinking about my Heavenly Father and it occurred to me, suddenly, that His whole existence revolves around purpose ... us! (Moses 1:39, "For behold, this is my work and my glory-to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.") He lives, loves, and goes forward because He has a purpose. And this purpose extends beyond Himself. This purpose involves the lives and existence of innumerable others: His children. Think of the drive such "purpose" gives! (And what gratitude fills up my heart at his willingness to live with me as His purpose!)

I thought about this for a while and recorded my thoughts in my journal: "We are striving for purpose! Heavenly Father's mission is our good - what great purpose. The reason so many desire positions of authority is because it gives their lives greater purpose..." It gives them a reason to be. "A true and honest heart desires purpose with integrity - to serve. To serve greatly. A greater purpose - a purpose beyond themselves! Family is essential for purpose! We need family to find this purpose, to find this opportunity to really serve. We crave purpose. ... When we seek to 'live on purpose', purpose is more a principle, than a verb. Live your life on a purpose, or with a purpose at the heart..."

Later, I was talking with my husband about this realization, (he was trying not to snore). As I forced him to open his eyes and listen, I said, "Purpose gives us meaning. Without it there's no reason to be alive."  The last phrase may sound a bit melodramatic, however, it must have really impacted my husband, because he came home from work the next day telling me all about his motivational speech he gave to the guys during their morning meeting.  He told them to find a purpose in their work, whether it be paying rent, supporting a family, wanting to save up for a car, pay for an education, any thing they can think of, find a purpose and work for it. Because a purpose would give their work meaning, and give them the motivation they were looking for. He also used the phrase, "Without a purpose, you have no reason to be alive." Hope that doesn't come back to bite us. :s

I believe we have all been given great individual purpose, in multiple areas. A purpose I strongly desire but have not received, yet, is the purpose of a child. I desire to have the opportunity to be the strongest influence and most loving caretaker a child will ever have, and not just any child, but my own.  For whatever the reason, this purpose is not mine yet, but it will be, someday. Someday, a child will be the purpose in my life, until then, I am blessed to be an elementary school teacher where I spend my days with 26 little "purposes" in my classroom! My job is about them! :) They are one of many wonderful purposes for my life right now! For this I am so grateful!

My youngest sister gives me great purpose. She is my best friend, greatest example and strongest motivation. Along with her example comes that of my brother Logan, who I also mentioned in my journal, as one who will find great purpose on his upcoming LDS mission! He will come to find that purpose and love it! Landon is my tech-y brother who helped me in setting up this blog! He also, gives me great purpose. Along with my amazing and loving parents, who I will never be able to repay for all their love and sacrifice in my behalf. And, of course, my best/closest friend and sister, Ashley, along with her husband, Jordan.                                       

My husband, Matt, and I have been married two years. And two funny, crazy, educational, loving, and fun-filled years they have been! Though this first blog is very different from what I expected it to be, I will use it to kick-off the purpose for which I have begun to write! And that is to record the wonderful experiences Matt and I get to share as we find our purpose in life, together! Because family is the greatest purpose of our existence. And I'm so grateful I get to share that - with him!

I think the theme of our blog, "Grow where you're planted" goes hand in hand with "purpose".  I've always loved that quote.  If you haven't already, find the purpose in your life, and, just as the quote promises, you'll also experience the exciting growth that comes with it!

In our search to find a purpose, I think the top 3 things to remember are...
1. set goals, 2. find the reasoning staring us in the face, and